From: Jacob Teitelbaum
c/o Ben Friedman
5 Leipnik Way # 102,
Monroe N. Y. 10950
To: The Honorable Vincent L. Briccetti
United States District Court Judge
Southern District of New York
300 Quarropas Street
White Plains, New York, 10601
Re: Jacob Teitelbaum Vs. Juda Katz et al. 12-cv-2858 VB
Dear Judge Briccetti,
I am Jacob Teitelbaum, Plaintiff in this action.
I had filed the above captioned action with this Honorable Court on Apr 11th 2012, and I have, since that time, been threatened, intimidated, and harassed in an attempt to force me to withdraw my complaint.
Among the different ways the defendants and individuals in the community used to intimidate and harass me are four (4) ways, they have recently increased their efforts, attempting to stop me from this federal action, I briefly explain these with some examples;
One; the defendants have recently began subjecting my wife personally and on the telephone with even greater pressure than before, my wife is continually demanding and pressuring me that I discontinue this federal action, she states that she is being pressured and harassed into doing so.
On or about early June 2012, one day during my conversing with Mr. Ben Friedman in the street, my wife erupted suddenly and hysterically screaming on Mr. Friedman, for his assisting me to bring this federal action, she demanded that Mr. Friedman stop to communicate with me, thereafter at home she continued to be hysterical and scream at me for several days for having started this federal action.
During my telephone conversations at home with Mr. Friedman, my wife interferes by blocking the calls, when I recently got a cell-phone to enable me to talk on the phone, my wife seized it, stating the reason – that I must withdraw this federal action, she also filed the recent false criminal charges in order to stop this federal action as further explained.
Attached is a letter that my wife wrote shortly after she filed the criminal charges against me, the Court should have a better understanding of the situation, the letter names two people who were instrumental in helping me bring this federal action.
Two; the defendants had subjected me in the past to wrongful mental institution confinement. On June 6, 2012, when my wife had filed the criminal charges, defendant “Hatzalah” entered my home during the early morning hours while I was asleep, they then intimidated me that I will be arrested if I do not voluntarily agree to leave my home with them to be confined into a mental health institution, after refusing to comply with their ridiculous demands, they pressured my wife to arrest me.
I was then arrested and falsely charged with acts that I never committed, my wife later informed me that the goal was to confine me to a mental institution on which she had agreed rather than to arrest me, stating the purpose was to stop my federal action.
Three; the defendants conspired in the past to remove me from the house through my wife, on June 6 after filing the criminal charges she requested that I be removed from the home, she later informed me that this was a calculated plot to stop me from the federal action.
Four; during the prior year while defendants hoped that my wife would succeed to stop me from the religious campaign, she received great support from them, she was not hospitalized during that entire period, however in September of 2011, once she returned my items that she took away from me, now no longer cooperating with them, their hopes of controlling me through her had now vanished, she was then hospitalized shortly thereafter on three separate occasions.
Upon filing my first motion with the Family Court in late Dec, 2011, that the underlying removal of our children were politically motivated, the defendants resumed their attempts to use my wife to control me, intimidating and harassing her repeatedly to remove me from the home, hesitant to do so and unwilling to lose her husband, she became depressed from the pressures, nonetheless she was not hospitalized as she still cooperated with the defendants somewhat.
However once the defendants learned that I started the federal action, my wife was again subjected to severe pressure, she was then hospitalized in mental institution in late April 2012.
Interestingly, on Friday June 1, shortly after the Marshals had mailed the summons and complaint to the defendants on Tuesday May 29, my wife hurriedly came home from the hospital, visibly being very upset, she was very concerned about the federal action, she then insisted and pressured me to immediately cease this federal action, within a mere few days of coming home and after being compelled into filing the false criminal charges against me, she was hospitalized again, she continued to demand and pressure me to discontinue my federal action while she was in the hospital.
I have been harassed by other individuals in the community – who are affiliated to some of the defendants, for bringing this federal action, to a lesser degree however than the above.
My wife has become a tremendous tool and token of the defendants and other individuals to stop this federal action, our children have been kidnapped from us, we have both been kidnapped and wrongfully confined to mental institution, we have suffered humiliation and emotional damage, our liberty is at risk, the Hatzalah and the CPS possess the legal powers to act against myself and my family, they have acted under color of law to harm me and my family under fabricated pretenses, I am unsafe anymore, not knowing what defendants would do next.
I hope to appear on July 2nd, the chances for being physically prevented or blocked from appearing are quite high according to the current intense situation.
Dated June 25, 2012, Monroe, NY.
Jacob Teitelbaum, Plaintiff