To: The Honorable Vincent L. Briccetti
United States District Court Judge
Southern District of New York
300 Quarropas Street
White Plains, New York, 10601
Re: Jacob Teitelbaum Vs. Juda Katz et al. 12-cv-2858 VB
Dear Hon. Judge Briccetti,
I am a close friend and supporter of Jacob Teitelbaum, I have been involved in the religious campaign that has sparked a war of intimidation against Jacob, since his children were removed in 2010, I have been trying to protect and help him.
The following crucial facts pertains to the scheduled hearing of today, these events are ongoing and transpired over the past month, apparently done to force the complete closure of his federal action, there is a high risk that Jacob could be silenced and not be able to sustain this federal action, needed to gain the protection he urgently requires.
Due to the nature of those hiding behind this ordeal (individuals not yet identified in the complaint, who are orchestrating the conspiracy while hiding behind the known defendants), It reached a point where I am becoming more helpless to keep helping and protecting him.
On June 6th, Miriam Teitelbaum filed criminal charges and had her husband Jacob arrested in conjunction with defendant Hatzuleh, and on the behest of others, (this is the first time historically that a wife in this community would arrest her husband while still living together).
On the same day the Monroe Town Court issued an order, directing Jacob not to intimidate Miriam, while allowing him to remain at home with her.
Jacob left his house that day, out of fear of being charged falsely again with new charges or with violating the protection order, which could potentially turn the crime into a felony.
On June 7th, one day after the charges were filed, Miriam arranged and admitted herself into NY Cornell Westchester Hospital, apparently due to the severe stress of the acts of the day before.
Shortly after Jacob found out that Miriam went into Hospital, he went back into his house and remained until June 28th.
Since his arrest, Jacob had to take cover to be on the run or in hiding to avoid being in public within the community, out of fear, of being framed by others on the behest of the group, in a similar or other way including from being kidnaped, and to avoid ongoing harassment and humiliation, orchestrated by these people, it is easy for them in this close-knit community to incite his and his wife’s family as well as others to humiliate and harass him to achieve their goal.
On June 11th, a letter from Miriam surfaced, she wrote among other things that she never will – and never pressed charges against Jacob, and that she withdraws all charges against him.
On June 12th, Jacob received a phone call from Miriam’s social worker at the Hospital, advising him that Miriam cannot be discharged from the Hospital to come home, due to the pending criminal charges and the protection order against him and the ongoing fight.
On June 13th, Mrs. Pasternak a family member of Jacob, contacted Jacob by phone and informed him that she is in touch with Miriam and that the Hospital will not allow Miriam to go home, because of her being in a fight with him, Mrs. Pasternak attempted to mediate.
On June 24th, Mrs. Pasternak called Jacob again, requesting him to stop the federal action immediately, she stated that as long as he remains in federal court his wife will not withdraw the criminal charges against him, and that the Hospital would not allow Miriam to come home as long as the charges remain and the fight with him continues.
On June 25th, Jacob was in Monroe Town Court on the criminal charges, for a pre-trial hearing and scheduling, the District Attorney requested an adjournment, stating that he had not been able to communicate with Miriam; the next hearing was scheduled for July 23rd.
On June 28th, Jacob received a call from Miriam, informing him that she is coming home later that day; Jacob immediately left the house, to avoid further confrontation or possible further false charges.
On June 22nd, a social worker for the Orange County DSS called Jacob, advising him that if he wants visitation with his children, they will have to arrange for his visitation at a separate time from his wife, due to his criminal charges and the protection order. (Miriam was hospitalized at that time, and DSS knew well that Jacob was not having visitation for a long time prior, for fear of a setup being planned against him by DSS, after an incident at the last visitation he had, amended complaint ¶ (AB) 191 – 198).
On June 27th, the DSS social worker called Jacob again, asking if he wanted visitation that day, the SW did not mention anything about the religious “Payos Opsheren” celebration for the younger child taking place at his home on Friday June 29th, (as Jacob was to learn the next day).
On June 28th, during the aforementioned phone call of Miriam, she informed Jacob that the celebration for the child would take place at their house on the following day on Friday the 29th.
She also informed him then, that both his and her family will attend the celebration, she demanded that Jacob be present at that time, Jacob briefly advised her that as long as the fight ensues, he will not participate whatsoever.
As already stated in the amended complaint ¶ (J) 85 – 88, On October 2010 the DSS had after having scheduled for a similar celebration of the older child to take place at Jacobs home, suddenly canceled it to take place at Miriam’s parent’s home instead, while there were clearly no criminal charges or protection orders against Jacob at the time.
These people aren’t much different than a Mafiosi group, they continue to challenge, intimidate and silence until successful, covering up their tracks, acting indirectly through others and under color of law, the more cornered they become to being exposed, the more dangerous and unpredictable they become, until exposed.
It is only a question of time, before they can silence Jacob, without immediate court intervention, it ordinarily takes considerable time to reach trial or even formal motion practice to gain some protection, even the mere service of papers on the defendants, let alone to expose those behind – takes time, meanwhile they have ample time to gain control and silence him.
Most people in a similar plight within the community do not reach a point this far to gain protection in federal court, as they are silenced and controlled much earlier, by way of example, in the following two cases, these two individuals were silenced early on before they had a chance to get protection, there are other similar cases unfortunately.
In the recent case of Rubin vs. Rubin et al, in the US Eastern district of NY, 11-cv-1920, where Isaac Rubin had sought protection from the Court, to stop Hatzala groups in Brooklyn from kidnapping him, he was silenced after having filed his federal action, he was kidnapped again and forcefully over-drugged with injections in the hospital where he became severely damaged by the defendants, he eventually withdraw his action after being incapacitated and intimidated, as can be seen somewhat on the court record and upon information and belief.
In another case, criminal cruel kidnappings across state lines on Menachem Blum took place in 2007 and 2009, after he was involved in a religious campaign to avoid losing his religious freedom; the kidnappings were aimed at silencing him.
To sum up, they have succeeded to further their initial goal to terrorize and intimidate Jacob in a scheme to silence his federal action and curtail his ability to gain ultimate protection from this Court, in the following ways among others they managed to;
I hope the foregoing would enable the Court to get a glimpse of what is really happening, and allow Jacob to receive the protection and freedom he desperately needs.
Ben Friedman