From: Jacob Teitelbaum
c/o Ben Friedman
5 Leipnik Way # 102,
Monroe N. Y. 10950
To: The Honorable Vincent L. Briccetti
United States District Court Judge
Southern District of New York
300 Quarropas Street
White Plains, New York, 10601
Re: Jacob Teitelbaum Vs. Juda Katz et al. 12-cv-2858 VB
Dear Judge Briccetti,
I am Jacob Teitelbaum, Plaintiff in this action.
In reference to my letter dated January 27th 2013 informing the Court about the recent terror by the conspirators, through my Wife, serving me with a new Order of Protection, I would like to further clarify and illustrate the sheer conspiracy that this act reflects and confirms; that their plan and purpose is to terrorize me in order to stop from continuing this Federal action and my religious activities.
In June of 2012, when my Wife brought the first false order of protection, I notified her personally and through others in the community that I am ready and willing to give her a Get Divorce, so she can continue her life without all this pain, since she claimed that I am the cause of this, in response to that, she refused to divorce and wanted to continue living with me.
Since this past Saturday, when the Sherriff’s Deputy served me with the protection order, I immediately notified two prominent rabbinical court’s within the community, of my willingness and wish to grant a GET divorce without any conditions whatsoever, neither monetary or otherwise, I also delivered her a letter stating the same and adding that I would be willing to accommodate any reasonable requests or conditions she may have in pursuing the divorce so that we both can continue our life without this needless misery, as I understood from this recent protection order and eviction that she does not want to live with me anymore.
However, to my great surprise and dismay, she refused again to be divorced, or so I was informed by the Rabbis.
This speaks volumes and clearly shows the scope and purpose of this act. Instead of pursuing a straight forward divorce, which I expressed my willingness to do since June 2012, and simply be over with this nonsense and terror, the conspirators have advised her not to be divorced so that they can continue to terrorize me and my family in order to stop my Federal action and take away my religious and personal freedom.
This act further shows that this was not done with my wife’s interests at heart but with bad intent and malice, it is has happened occasionally within the Jewish communities that a woman wishing to get a divorce, the children or his money, would get a protection order and evict the husband from the marital home.
However none of these apply in my case, if my wife really wanted me out of the marital home for any reason, or she was in danger or at risk as she falsely states in her petition and papers, all she would have to do is getting a Get (Jewish divorce) which can be done within hours and at no cost to her, in fact this is the first time to my knowledge that a woman within the Jewish communities would do this while her husband was and is willing to grant a divorce, this simply, confirms the obvious and bitter truth of this immense conspiracy.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dated January 29, 2013, Monroe, NY.
Jacob Teitelbaum, Plaintiff