Letter of January 27, 2013

From: Jacob Teitelbaum
c/o Ben Friedman
5 Leipnik Way # 102,
Monroe N. Y. 10950

To: The Honorable Vincent L. Briccetti
United States District Court Judge
Southern District of New York
300 Quarropas Street
White Plains, New York, 10601

Re: Jacob Teitelbaum Vs. Juda Katz et al. 12-cv-2858 VB

Dear Judge Briccetti,

I am Jacob Teitelbaum, Plaintiff in this action.

I am writing to inform the Hon. Court of the most recent terror I am withstanding, further evidencing the conspiracy and plan of the Defendants to inflict immense terror and pain on myself to cause me to withdraw and stop my Federal Court action.

I have already informed the Hon. Court in a letter dated June 6th, and June 25th, 2012, as has Mr. Ben Friedman written on July 2nd, 2012, about the terror I constantly endure from the conspirators, including the false charges my Wife had brought in the Town of Monroe with the assistance of the conspirators, where she was lead to file those false charges in order to stop my Federal Court action, the charges were thereafter dropped as I was informed by the Town of Monroe Court. (Copy of the Letters attached).

I have also informed the Court in the past, about how my Wife is being put under extreme pressure both within the community and through the Orange County Dept. of Social Service to take part in the conspiracy in order to coerce me through pressure and terror.

Apparently as seen from the attached documents, the Defendants and others in the community have already planned this terrorizing event back in August of 2012, by having my Wife then file these false charges, she was now able to fraudulently bring it back through another town, therefore allowing the Defendants and their co-conspirators to instill terror and further their original plan to evict me from the house, during the observance of Shabbos (Saturday) in a mid-winter day of sub-zero temperatures, not having another place where to go.

The conspirators taking the prior order of protection falsely filed in Town of Monroe which had clearly been dropped before, and which my Wife had also clearly expressed that she did not want to file these charges, (a copy of which is attached herewith), had now fraudulently transferred it to the Town of Goshen Court, falsely claiming again that I have violated this prior protection order, an act I was continuously threatened with unless I withdraw from the Federal Court action, and follow their demands to submit to whatever mental treatment and confinement they would ask, as evidenced in the documents (copies attached).

Needless to say, I never had any other dealings positive or negative with the Town of Monroe Court, except for twice coming to Town Court just for the purposes of this fraudulent protection order.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dated January 27, 2013, Monroe, NY.


Jacob Teitelbaum, Plaintiff